Sunday, February 21, 2016

Healthy foods you should add to your diet

Eating healthy foods is very important , not just

for loosing weight but also for your all over
health .

Healthy foods are full of nutrient your body need , vitamins and anti-oxidants .

Here you are some healthy foods choices

1– Apples

Apples are full of nutrient and fibers and have low calories , it is a very good choice for a

healthy snack but make sure to peel it before eating if it is not organic.

2– Eggs

One of the most nutritious food , it contains protein and vitamins like A , E and k2 which all are very important to your health , there is a misconception that eggs raise your cholesterol but this is not true , eating one egg per day won't do this and have more health benefits .

3– Almonds

Almonds are full of nutrients , vitamins and anti-oxidants and it helps you feel full , you can eat

half a cup day of almonds as a healthy snack .

4– Blueberries

Blueberries contain high a mount of anti- oxidants , it help protect you from illness and free radical , it in one of the superfoods in the earth .

5– Oats

Oats are a source of complex carbs and fibers , it is full of nutrients and vitamins , make a dish of

oats with yogurt and some dried blueberries or other fruits as a healthy and fast breakfast or snack .

Wish you try these healthy foods and benefit

from it .

Best wishes .

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fat burning foods

Fat burning foods

Do you want to loose weight ,

What about loosing through food ,

There are some kinds of food that increase metabolism so increase fat burning so increase 
weight loss .

Here you are some of these foods ,you should start adding to your diet .

1– chili pepper

Cayenne or hot peppers helps increase your 

metabolism or warming up your body , you can us it 

in any form and add to your dishes , but take care not 

to use it if you have stomach problems or have 

hameorrids .

2– green tea

Studies had shown that drinking 4 cups a day will 

help you to burn fat and loose weight , besides green 

tea is a powerful antioxidant that helps to decrease 

inflammation inside body and help in decrease belly 

fat accumulation .

3– lean meats

Protean is important to your body to keep muscle 

construction and it has high thermogenic effect as 

you burn about 30% of calories the food contain 

during digestion process . But make sure to eat lean 

meats free from fat .

So as we see there are many kinds of foods but 

making best choices will help you to loss weight , 

burn fat and improve your health .

Wish you best wishes .


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