Monday, January 11, 2016

one of the best vegetables you should eat to help you to lose weight of the best vegetables you should eat to help you to lose weight .
With its beautiful dark green color , broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables full of nutrients.
Broccoli is full of chlorophyl which gives it its dark green color . Chlorophyl is a powerful antioxidant and have anti-cancer properties .
Broccoli contain high amount of vitamin c (another powerful antioxidant),magnesium, calcium,potassium , vitamin B and vitamin A.
Broccoli is low in calories and have hight amount of fibers so it is an ideal food for losing weight diet .
Benefits of broccoli
-powerful anti oxidant and have anticancer properties
- Contain high amount of vitamins and nutrients.
- Contain high amount of fiber that help in healthy digestion process.
- Help in maintain health of eyes ,as it contain high amount of vitamin A and lutein that protest eyes health.
- Broccoli contain sulphofuran which is a powerful anti-inflammatory that protect inflammation of blood vessels and protect the heart and decrease over all inflammations in the body and this will help also in losing weight .
- Fibers in broccoli help in decrease cholesterol in blood as it conjugate with it through digestion process and pull it out of the body.
How to prepare and eat broccoli
The best way to benefits from all nutrients and antioxidants is to eat it raw after washing it thoroughly .
But you can steam it also for not more than 10 min if you want it more soft.

Or you can stir fry it for not more than 2 min.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

some simple life-style to lose weight in easy and fast way

...Do you complain of fast weight gain , Want to lose weight without having to follow district diets

Losing weight is not just about diet , although diet is a very important factor , but also life style changes will help you in losing weight

Making simple life style changes that you continue to do daily , will help you to lose weight fast and easy without much effort .Here you some simple life-style changes that can help

1- take stairs instead of elevator
Insist on taking stairs instead of elevator daily in your work place or home , this simple action will help you to increase your metabolism and increasing weight loss .
2– eat a large bowl of green salad every day
Eat a large bowl of mixed vegetables with a spoon of olive oil every day before your main meal , this will provide your body with vitamins and fibers , help you to loss weight and will make you eat less carbs in your meal.
3– take 10 min walk daily
Try to walk daily for at least 10 min , walk to work or walk with friends and family , this will help your over all health and will increase metabolism and weight loss.
4– add some spices to your food .
Do you love spicy hot food , spicy hot food help in increasing metabolism and losing weight but make sure not to eat too much of it , and don't eat it if your stomach is sensitive to spices and hot food .
4– eat healthy snacks every 2 hours .
Staying hungry for a long time , then eating a huge meal will make you Gain weight and will affect your metabolism badly , so try not to stay hungry , eat small health snack every 2 hours like carrot , cucumber , an apple , some oatmeal and nuts , this help to speed your metabolism and finally losing weight .

I wish you find this simple life changes easy to do and helpful to do .


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